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IMEA is an International Ministers Education Association for pastors and Christian leaders around the world. Our vision is to network, encourage and bring Christian education opportunities that will strengthen and build up God's people - working together to establish His kingdom on the earth. Through this IMEA resource you will have the opportunity to meet other ministers, post information, receive educational articles and other help to strength your ministry globally while maintaining your autonomy.

It is both exciting and encouraging to have this place to network, both God's people and the great work we are doing together around the world, promoting God's kingdom on earth. We sincerely hope you will grow and be edified by participating in IMEA.

For information regarding education opportunities email us at: imea.drrivers.worldwide@gmail.com.

Prof. Donella Pitzl, PhD

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Ivan Chihale

Ivan Chihale is the Chairman of UGCSI Chancellor's Advisory Council. Ivan lives is Mozambique, Africa and is a graduate of United Graduate College and Seminary International.
Education is undoubtedly a priority in any society. One of the main roles assigned to education is to give humanity the ability to promote their own development. When one hears the word ‘education’ today, probably most common thoughts that come to mind have to do with school buildings, hired teachers, text books and tests.  While these are certainly key components of modern education, such was not always the case. In colonial days for example, education was more commonly understood to mean: having possession of truth; mental and moral development to prepare one for their station in life; mastery of ability to speak, read, and write, and well grounded in religious belief. Webster argues education as:

  •  The bringing up as a child; instruction, formation, manners;
  •  Comprehension of all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations;
  • To give to children a good education in manners, arts, and science is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable.
Education is generally seen as the foundation of society which brings economic wealth, social prosperity, political stability, ripeness and growth and both spiritual and physical embodiment. One of the education essential tasks is to enable people to understand themselves. Education has a vital role to play in assisting students to understand their identity.
1.     What is Biblical Education?
Agreeing with Timmy Tezeno, it is a constant diligent search of what God has to say on every subject. It is the heart beat of God. Biblical education is a heavenly education that changes lives forever. It converts prostitutes to women of virtue; pimps to men of honor. It sobers up drunkards; delivers drug addicts from addictions; heals broken hearts and mends marriages. It is the only education that produces victorious living. The Bible says, “But be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (KJV, Romans 12.2). According to this verse I understand biblical education as a mind transformation process, character building, spirit embodiment and growth, Holy Spirit guidance and dependence, and a production of knowledge and followers.
2.     Purposes Of Biblical Education

  • To know who God is. “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my strength, my buckler, the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” (KJV, Psalm 18.2);
  • To know man’s need of being restored to a right relationship with God. “...Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (KJV, John 3.3);
  • To know the blessings of God achieved through living in agreement with His Word (KJV, Deuteronomy 28);
  • To know the history of God in His providential dealings with mankind (individuals and nations). “...And hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation” (KJV, Acts 17.26);
  • To master academic disciplines necessary for serving God and their fellow man.  Included in these disciplines are: language, arts, natural sciences, social sciences, geography, government, economics, astronomy, biology, medicine, etc. “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…” (KJV, 1 Chronicles 12.32);
  • To develop a Biblical worldview such that all learning is framed and understood in a manner consistent with a Scriptural view of life.  “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for proof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (KJV, 2 Timothy 3.16);
  •  To restore the truth of mankind’s identity and goal. “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. Then God blessed them, and God said to them ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth’” (KJV, Genesis 1.26, 28).
3.     Importance of Biblical Education
While secular education is certainly important being educated biblically is far more important because biblical principles teach us how to properly relate to God as well as to our fellowman (KJV, Matthew 22:37-40; Deuteronomy 6:5; Deuteronomy 10:12; Deuteronomy 30:6).  I believe that Biblical education begins in the home (KJV, Ephesians 6:4; Genesis 18:18-19; Deuteronomy 6; 2 Timothy 1:5; 2 Timothy 3:14-15). The teaching of spiritual and moral values to children is the backbone of any nation and provides nations with moral stability. King Solomon stated “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (KJV, Proverbs 22.6), thus biblical education is important because it is the right information which produces righteous thoughts, that produces right actions, which brings about the right kind of harvest. One of the goals of biblical education is to restore the truth of mankind’s identity, because man was created in the image and likeness of God - In order that he could objectively see the glory of God in all things of creation - That man might subjectively glorify God in whatever he does in thought, word, and deed.  (KJV, Revelation 4:11). Furthermore it is also important because it is the only kind of education which is designed with relevance and practicality, enabling and stimulating a practical learning process, for producing thinkers which aim to produce knowledge and followers.
Obtaining a Biblical education is obtaining the mind of God. Our mind is limited, but God's mind is unlimited. “Great is our Lord, and of great power: His understanding is infinite(KJV, Psalms 147.5). God wants us to use His wisdom and His knowledge because it is so vast.  We must know how He thinks so that we can align our thinking accordingly. We must learn His ways so that we can walk in agreement with Him and therefore walk in His favor, having the blessing on our lives. Biblical education is the all around successful life which is embodied in the fear of the Lord, for the Bible says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” (ESV, Proverbs 9.10). Without it, life is unfruitful, empty, and void. We must endlessly continue to receive biblical training, because the more training we receive and apply, the more we become like Him. Biblical education is an awesome thing, it has no ending. The knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of God are infinite.
Education begins with the reality of God’s existence and the fact that He has communicated to us through creation, His Word, and His Son. As we learn more of God’s creation, our understanding of God’s wisdom and power deepens. As we study God’s Word, we become more equipped for God’s work (KJV, 2 Timothy 3:16-17). As we grow in our knowledge of God’s Son (KJV, 2 Peter 3:18), our love for Him increases and our service for Him intensifies. “Education is useless without the Bible" (Noah Webster).
Works Cited
Webster, Noah. American Dictionary of the English Language (ADEL). 1828.
Tezeno, T. (2012). The Importance of Biblical Education. Oval Bible College. 2012: 34. Print.

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