Welcome to IMEA

IMEA is an International Ministers Education Association for pastors and Christian leaders around the world. Our vision is to network, encourage and bring Christian education opportunities that will strengthen and build up God's people - working together to establish His kingdom on the earth. Through this IMEA resource you will have the opportunity to meet other ministers, post information, receive educational articles and other help to strength your ministry globally while maintaining your autonomy.

It is both exciting and encouraging to have this place to network, both God's people and the great work we are doing together around the world, promoting God's kingdom on earth. We sincerely hope you will grow and be edified by participating in IMEA.

For information regarding education opportunities email us at: imea.drrivers.worldwide@gmail.com.

Prof. Donella Pitzl, PhD

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Testimony of Daniel Migosi - Kenyan Pastor and Life Coach

Daniel Migosi
This man is a Masters graduate of United Graduate College and Seminary International and also holds a Master Life Coach Certification with our International Coaching Schools (UACCMI). He is a man of God that loves helping people. It is truly a blessing when you are able to help people around the globe. You just never know where your seeds will end up when you sow in God's garden. I submitted and inquiry regarding his desire to do his doctorate work with UGCS International and how things are going for him and this is what he wrote.

Prof. Donella,
"Next year I will do all I can to complete the course. I also miss your lessons and mentorship. But all is not in vain in that you are still affecting very many people through me in Kenya. You are a jewel that cannot be forgotten. Every coaching I do is bended with my prestigious MCL knowledge and its is doing wonders. Thank you and God bless you."

If you are interested in acquiring a Biblical Education or Christian Life Coaching Education, contact my office at ugcs.dpitzl@yahoo.com or uaccmi.coaching@yahoo.com.

Blessings, Prof. Donella