Welcome to IMEA

IMEA is an International Ministers Education Association for pastors and Christian leaders around the world. Our vision is to network, encourage and bring Christian education opportunities that will strengthen and build up God's people - working together to establish His kingdom on the earth. Through this IMEA resource you will have the opportunity to meet other ministers, post information, receive educational articles and other help to strength your ministry globally while maintaining your autonomy.

It is both exciting and encouraging to have this place to network, both God's people and the great work we are doing together around the world, promoting God's kingdom on earth. We sincerely hope you will grow and be edified by participating in IMEA.

For information regarding education opportunities email us at: imea.drrivers.worldwide@gmail.com.

Prof. Donella Pitzl, PhD

Friday, May 6, 2011

Top American Team Receives Honor From Africa

Prof. Michal Pitzl, Dr. Rachael Schweiger, Prof. Donella Pitzl

Professor Michal Pitzl, Chancellor of Education Development Worldwide and Professor Donella Pitzl, Vice Chancellor of Online Education Worldwide for United Graduate College and Seminary are receiving International Professorships from Kayiwa International University, Kampala, Uganda. The Founder, Prof. Simon Kayiwa and the Board of Regents for K.I.U. have accepted two new International Professors, Chancellor Prof. Michal Pitzl and Vice Chancellor, Prof. Donella Pitzl, into the governing body of K.I.U. They have full rights and privileges as International Leadership of Kayiwa International University, Kampala, Uganda.

The Governing Board of Kayiwa International University also unanimously accepted Dr. Rachael Schweiger for an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Humanities. This Honorary Doctorate is being awarded because of her work with Critical Communications Education and the impressive curriculum that was created.  K.I.U. felt her worthy to receive this valued degree.

There will be a special joint ceremony for this team in June 2011 in the United States.

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