Welcome to IMEA

IMEA is an International Ministers Education Association for pastors and Christian leaders around the world. Our vision is to network, encourage and bring Christian education opportunities that will strengthen and build up God's people - working together to establish His kingdom on the earth. Through this IMEA resource you will have the opportunity to meet other ministers, post information, receive educational articles and other help to strength your ministry globally while maintaining your autonomy.

It is both exciting and encouraging to have this place to network, both God's people and the great work we are doing together around the world, promoting God's kingdom on earth. We sincerely hope you will grow and be edified by participating in IMEA.

For information regarding education opportunities email us at: imea.drrivers.worldwide@gmail.com.

Prof. Donella Pitzl, PhD

Monday, April 11, 2011

First Lady of Uganda – Good Role Model of Leadership

First Lady of Uganda, Janet Museveni and Dr. Rivers  

It is an encouraging day for the Republic of Uganda as their current elections had a positive outcome. Because of the outcome of the election, First Lady, Janet Museveni has the opportunity to continue her great model of leadership in Uganda.

Dr. Clyde Rivers said, “The First Lady of Uganda, Janet Museveni, is a great example of leadership. She has consistently helped the people of Uganda in positive ways. She has not only brought helpful awareness campaigns of the dangers of HIV Aids to the continent of Africa, but several other constructive reforms to the continent as well. Congratulations, First Lady Janet Museveni, as you continue to work building the Republic of Uganda.” 

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